Monday 8 December 2008

LexiURL officially replaced by LexiURL Searcher

LexiURL has now officially been replaced by LexiURL Searcher. LexiURL is still available online at the same web site but
LexiURL Searcher is now easier to use and more powerful, so has replaced it. There are still a few things that LexiURL can
do but LexiURL Searcher can't so LexiURL is being kept online but not updated.


Unknown said...

Is there any documentation yet for the new LexiURL Searcher feature, "Web Environment Network"? I understand what it is meant to do, but the network seems to be too dense.

Mike Thelwall said...

Hi Lauren,
There is no documentation on this new feature yet, sorry. Here is what it does:

1) Identify web pages linking to your web site, via Yahoo! searches
2) Download all the pages identified in 1) and extract their links
3) Remove all site self-links from the set generated in 2) (i.e., links between different pages of the same site)
4) Take the 50 web sites attracting the most links (using the results of 3)
5) Plot a network of these 50 sites with connections between pairs of sites based upon the number of times they are both linked to from the same web site (complicated!)

This is a "co-inlink" (or colink) network diagram, rather than a direct link network diagram.

Best wishes,

Quentin said...

This is cool!